WPC 2019/World Cup Round 3

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Duration: 45 minutes. Total point value: 600 minutes. Round winner: Ken Endo (Japan), 580 points.


  1. Akari by Silke Berendes, 15 points
  2. Yin & Yang (Yin Yang) by Silke Berendes, 15 points
  3. Japanese Sums by Gabi Penn-Karras, 20 points
  4. New Tren by Silke Berendes, 25 points
  5. Star Battle by Silke Berendes, 25 points
  6. Yajilin by Gabi Penn-Karras, 25 points
  7. Dominion by Silke Berendes, 30 points
  8. Araf by Gabi Penn-Karras, 30 points
  9. Sternenhimmel by Gabi Penn-Karras, 30 points
  10. Blackout Dominoes by Silke Berendes, 35 points.
  11. Hashi by Silke Berendes, 35 points
  12. BACAA (BACA with A, A, B, C) by Silke Berendes, 40 points
  13. Persistence of Memory by Silke Berendes, 40 points
  14. Partiti by Silke Berendes, 45 points
  15. Magic Labyrinth (Magic Snail) by Gabi Penn-Karras, 60 points
  16. Kakuro by Gabi Penn-Karras, 60 points
  17. Magnets by Gabi Penn-Karras, 70 points