WPC 2018/Round 13

From WPC unofficial wiki

Duration: 90 minutes. Total point value: 810 points. Round winner: Ken Endo (Japan), 1030 points.


  1. ABC-Box by Jiří Hrdina, 20 points
  2. Coral with Question Marks by Jiří Hrdina, 15 points
  3. Tapa with Question Marks by Jan Zvěřina, 40 points
  4. Tents with No Hints by Jan Zvěřina, 10 points
  5. Coded Doubleblock (Coded Doppelblock) by Jiří Hrdina, 60 points
  6. Coded Skyscrapers by Jiří Hrdina, 60 points
  7. Coded Coral by Jiří Hrdina, 85 points
  8. Coded Arrows by Jiří Hrdina, 95 points
  9. Coded Laser by Jiří Hrdina, 80 points
  10. Liar Diagonal Slitherlink by Petr Vejchoda, 55 points
  11. Liar Masyu by Petr Vejchoda, 55 points
  12. Pinocchio Fillomino by Jan Zvěřina, 20 points
  13. Polygraph by Jiří Hrdina, 35 points
  14. Wrong Doubleblock (Knapp Daneben Doppelblock) by Jiří Hrdina, 85 points
  15. Wrong Snake (Knapp Daneben Snake) by Jiří Hrdina, 25 points
  16. Wrong Shikaku (Knapp Daneben Slitherlink) by Jiří Hrdina, 30 points
  17. Wrong Products (Knapp Daneben Products) by Jiří Hrdina, 40 points

In a puzzles "with Question Marks", every question marks represented a positive integer.