WPC 2016/Round 16
Duration: 30 minutes. Total point value: 1200 points. Round winner: HUN-A (Zoltán Horváth, Pál Madarassy, Zoltán Gyimesi, Tamás Antal), 1560 points
General rules[edit]
Each of the eight puzzles in this round will be printed on sleek paper. No writing tools will be allowed and you will be not allowed to write on these papers. The only permitted item will be a number of circular stickers which will be provided to each team. A set of stickers with the team name will be provided as well.
Any kind of marks apart from the stickers are forbidden. For example, scratching the paper with your fingernails or tearing up the sticker background is also not allowed.
The puzzles in this round will be solved in the given order. After a team submits a puzzle, they will be given the next one and will not be allowed to come back to the submitted puzzles. The puzzles will not be checked during the round so they can be submitted whether they are solved correctly or not.
Solve the puzzles by marking positions of specified letters/objects/etc by stickers.
1. | Star Battle by Matej Uher, 110 points |
Mark the position of the stars.
2. | Tents by Matúš Demiger, 55 points |
Mark the position of the tents.
3. | Double Block (Doppelblock) by Matúš Demiger, 195 points |
Mark the position of the shaded cells and the numbers 3.
4. | Gaps by Matúš Demiger, 165 points |
Mark the position of the shaded cells.
5. | Products by Matúš Demiger, 275 points |
Mark the position of the numbers.
6. | Akari by Matúš Demiger, 80 points |
Mark the position of the lightbulbs.
7. | Half Dominoes by Zuzana Hromcová, 235 points |
Mark the position of the pips.
8. | Darts by Matúš Demiger, 85 points |
Mark the sectors hit by darts.