WPC 2015/Round 3

From WPC unofficial wiki

Duration: 90 minutes. Total point value: 950 points. Round winner: Ulrich Voigt (Germany), 960 points.


Contrary to the name of the round, "Latin Squares", some puzzles (15-20) had no element of numbers not repeating in rows/columns.

1-2. Easy as ABCD by Anton Titov, 15+20 points
3-4. Ayda by Andrey Bogdanov, 20+30 points
5-6. Fuzuli by Vladimir Portugalov, 20+30 points
7-8. Skyscrapers by Anton Titov, 35+50 points
9. Product Skyscrapers by Andrey Bogdanov, 35 points
10-11. Encrypted Skyscrapers by Andrey Bogdanov, 25+40 points
12. Rollercoaster by Vladimir Portugalov, 35 points
13-14. Doppelblock by Andrey Bogdanov, 35+50 points
15-16. Chaos by Andrey Bogdanov, 30+60 points
17-18. No Four in a Row by Andrey Bogdanov, 40+50 points
19-20. Encrypted Square by Andrey Bogdanov, 45+70 points
21. Coriolis by Minako Sakai, 50 points
22-23. Kropki by Andrey Bogdanov, 45+60 points
24. 2D Magic by Vladimir Portugalov, 60 points