Pyramid Climbers

From WPC unofficial wiki


Each cell at the bottom of the pyramid has a “climber” associated with it. Each climber climbs up a path of adjacent cells. For each path, all the letters in that path’s cells are distinct. (Climbers do not climb sideways.) Each cell is reached by exactly one climber. Determine the paths of all climbers.

(Rules and example from PGP IB)

History of the puzzle[edit]

Probably came either from Finland or Germany.

Can be seen on 2000 Finland Nationals[1], but it is possible that the puzzle predates this. The authors of that round were Juha Hyvönen, Juhani Heino and Erkki Kiiski. "Pyramid Power" from WPC 1994 had a similar rule to this; the goal was to find one climber from the top of the pyramid to the bottom.

Appearances in the past WPCs[edit]
